
Whole-school immersive teaching resources at your fingertips!

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As Creatives' Teaching Resources

If you’ve hosted one of our in-person whole-school days, you’ll know what an exciting experience they are. And, even if you haven’t, you can now access a range of teaching resources designed to bring the As Creatives approach directly into your classroom.

Each teaching pack provides resources for every pupil from Reception to Year 6 / P1 – P7. They make it really simple for you to run your own whole-school day, by sharing the opening film in morning assembly before each class undertakes their own year group challenge. If the whole-school approach is not for you, they work just as well as an activity for one Key Stage or even just one class.

Our teaching resource packages - including Maths, Science and Literacy - provide curriculum-linked activities for every primary year group, offering great value for money! They comprise a range of activities including; character-led films, interactive workshops, activity trails, worksheets and PowerPoint challenges and quizzes.

Creativity for All

We’re passionate advocates of the value of creativity for all – so we were delighted when the Durham Commission on Creativity and Education noted, “An education that stimulates children’s creativity can help them thrive, enjoy and achieve … and shape a better future!” As Creatives Connect has been specifically developed to help you promote that creativity – and provide the “cultural capital” sought by the new Ofsted framework.

Creativity in Schools

To succeed in an increasingly uncertain world, the children of today will need to draw on their creativity, transferring skills across different contexts and finding novel solutions to complex problems. And that’s why we’ve developed As Creatives Connect - to connect you and the pupils you teach with a whole host of immersive Extraordinary Worlds, whole-school WOW days inspired by creative approaches to learning.

Why As Creatives Connect?

Set up to improve the futures of children everywhere by placing creativity at the heart of teaching and learning, As Creatives has been supporting schools since 2008. Since then, we have designed and delivered engaging and curriculum-rich activities, working directly with well over a million children. And As Creatives Connect now allows you to use our activities, approaches and resources yourselves, drawing from a bank of ideas that will grow term by term, year by year, both reflecting our commitment to continually exploring new ideas and offering excellent value for money.

The Extraordinary World of Space

Take a Look ...

Discover everything you need for an exciting and immersive whole-school, thematic WOW day – all firmly rooted in the curriculum. And it couldn’t be easier, with introductory films for both teachers and children, opening and closing assemblies, contextualised, age-appropriate maths, literacy, science and history activities, PowerPoints, writing frameworks and worksheets all at your fingertips - together with full instructions and suggested timetables for you and your colleagues. Have a look today!

What Teachers Say About Us

“I’ve had such great feedback from teachers! thank you so much for making the topics so engaging, relevant and meaningful to the children. I know for a fact how much my class loved inventing new things.”

St Matthias School

“"We have had a brilliant week exploring Ancient Egypt. We solved brilliant literacy and numeracy challenge, Riddle of the Sphinx! Also excavated treasure and spelling words, built tombs, role-played Pharaohs and so much more!" ”

Woodmuir Primary

“"We absolutely loved our day solving the Riddle of the Sphinx. It definitely created a huge buzz in the school!" ”

Broadsquare Primary School

“"The day was a HUGE success. Children, teachers and parents were delighted. The website was well organised, clear and easy to follow. We think As Creatives are utterly brilliant and I will happily recommend you to whoever will listen!"”

Dovedale School

“"We had a very enjoyable day where the children learnt lots. Children were provided with a rich curriculum, that depended and embedded prior learning through exciting cross curricular activities. Children specifically enjoyed the challenges linked to their learning e.g. 'the missing boots'. It was great that children were able to understand that football is not just a sport - but has many cross-curricular links. For some of our children who aspire to be footballers - I think this has been a light bulb moment that they need to do well in other subjects too! Thank you for a wonderful day."”

Kensington Community Primary

Creative Resources for all Year Groups

Our Teaching Resources give you access to age-differentiated resources, covering a wide range of curriculum areas, grouped under different themes or topics (with more being added each term!). Start your adventure with a challenge set by Ady, our Learning Explorer, as he travels through space and time – and promote creativity in the classroom at any time, by accessing other features, such as Daily Creative and Connect Games - quick fire activities designed to exercise your pupils' creativity every day – and Connect Games – some of our go-to games that can be adapted to support learning across the curriculum. As Creatives Connect has been designed to create multiple cognitive access points, build resilience and provide bridges across gaps in knowledge. So children of all ages can Actively Engage, Be Bold and Connect!

Getting started is as easy as 1..2..3..

Purchase your Teaching Resource Pack and have a whole-school immersive learning day at your fingertips!