New! Whole-School Maths: Times Tables Trattoria
17th December 2023
Through sheer head work, Trevi Times made his dream come true – by opening his own Italian restaurant, Times’ Tables Trattoria! But with his team of chefs wasting too much food (and spending too much money), that dream is on the verge of turning into a nightmare. If only there were some children who could use their knowledge and understanding of their times tables to help him keep his trattoria open …
Times Tables Trattoria allows you to deliver your own whole-school food-themed times tables day!
Exploring: times tables, additive and multiplicative reasoning, fractions, percentages, money, problem solving – selected for each age group (EYFS – Y6 / P1 – P7) in line with National Curriculum / Curriculum for Excellence objectives.
Find out more at; www.ascreativesconnect.com/product/extraordinary-maths-times-tables-trattoria-times-tables-teaching-resource/