Maths Around the World - World Maths Day Teaching Resource
Product Video
Christmas Crackers Teaching Resource is also available to buy in following options …
Whole-school Maths pack –
EYFS/KS1 Maths pack –
Elton Elf is stranded in New York – and won’t be able to make his way around the globe and back to the North Pole in time for Christmas Eve without your pupils’ support. To succeed, the children will find themselves using a range of maths skills to crack five different Christmas codes, all differentiated for age from Nursery to Year 6 / P1 – P7. The challenges don’t need to be tackled all in one go, allowing individual teachers to slot them into their schedules however they please – and come with short opening and closing “video letters” from Elton himself!
The teaching resource package contains the following:
Opening Video Letters from Elton the Elf:
This short introductory film sets everything in context and outlines the overall challenge. There is one film for all classes from Y3 – Y6/ P4 – P7 to watch.
Christmas Crackers Teaching Resource:
These are provided as PowerPoints – with audio, so make sure you’ve got the volume turned up. (If you don’t have audio, you will still be able to read all the instructions on screen).
There are five Power Points each with a different Cracker Challenge, for each participating year group from Y3 – Year 6/ P4-P7.
Christmas Creative Challenge
After you have completed all five Christmas Crackers, the children might also like to complete the Christmas Creative Challenge. There is one worksheet for each year group – provided as a pdf.
In-person Christmas-themed school workshops
And don’t forget that we have a wonderful range of in-person school Christmas workshops, too. All firmly rooted in the curriculum, these include:
– The Santa Challenge (Maths)
– A Christmas Celebration in Rhyme (literacy)
– The Great Christmas Science Quiz (science)
– A Victorian Christmas (history)
You can find out more information about these programmes over at