Maths Around the World - World Maths Day Teaching Resource
Product Video
Product Details – Extraordinary Maths – The Race into Space
Probably the most challenging of our maths programmes, The Race into Space comprises a range of different activities, giving children opportunities to extend their mathematical thinking in context and explore some of the links between maths and science. It allows you to choose to either present it in one discrete block – or over the course of a number of days.
Who is it for?
You will find Maths resources here for all year groups from Reception/P1 to Year 6/P7. Each class teacher will be able to plan their own experience, using the age-appropriate activities.
What is included?
Two short films, to open and close the adventure, seven PowerPoint-based, whole-class activities (one for each year group), exploring age-appropriate examples of maths and science “crossovers”, printable Question and Answer sheets for a range of questions linking maths with the science of space (all age-differentiated), two activities combining maths with literacy (with printable writing frameworks).
How does it work?
Once you have purchased the package you and your colleagues will have access to the whole bank of The Race into Space resources to use how and when you please. Class teachers can use the structure we have suggested, or work to one of their own. Of course, you don’t have to use the resources as part of a whole-school event. You may want to offer the experience to one key stage, one year group, or even just one class.
Family Maths add on for £10
With any of Maths pack purchase, you can also choose to purchase Family Maths for just £10! (usually £45.00). Family Maths comprises a range of challenges for all the family, exploring ways in which we use maths all the time, without ever really thinking about it – and demonstrating just how easy it is to use almost any family activity as a springboard for a quick maths challenge.
All you need to do is put both items in your basket and the discount will be applied!
What people say
“Great inclusive day that challenged all of our children. All children from across the school were able to take part. Pitch was appropriate, challenging and allowed for a great day of learning.” Glebefields Primary School