Maths Around the World - World Maths Day Teaching Resource
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The great characters of fiction leap off the pages of the books they inhabit and into our imaginations because their authors have taken the trouble to breathe life into them, creating fully rounded beings. And now your pupils will get the chance to do that too, in our new programme, The Character Hunt!
The Character Hunt
The children will meet The Mighty Pen a writer with plenty of wonderful ideas for stories – but no characters to put in them! The Pen, will, though, introduce your pupils to some archetypes – and challenge classes, a year group at a time, to take part in workshops designed to transform those archetypes into all-encompassing characters.
EYFS / P1 will muse over The Magician – and what it is that magicians love to do …
Year 1 / P2 will have a look at The Hero – and what heroes do when they’re not being heroic!
Year 2 / P3 will investigate The Villain – just where do villains hatch their plans?
Year 3 / P4 will shed light on the Lover – do lovers always have to be so soppy?
Year 4 / P5 will consider The Clown – and what makes them laugh!
Year 5 / P6 will analyse The Athlete – and where their competitive spirit comes from …
Year 6 / P7 will go into The Geek – what do they want most in the world?